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It may sound like an exaggeration to you that you have no idea how many thousands of spans your email box has been accumulating over the months of downtime, but for people who shop online, pay and virtual receipts, media management or even even if you keep losing your Google account password, your email will rarely be crowded with cobwebs. Its strength is so great that even nowadays people do not see much calling by another name, except new users who have known as it is today.

It was the first email from thousands of people and is even mine. For consecutive years, there was only room for him and no one else.


Hotmail has merged with Outlook to bring performance and usability improvements as well as a cleaner, more fluid look. Do not freak out. In the eyes of users, the change made has affected the database — programming information — more than the visual, because Outlook used a lot of Hotmail, such as its functions and settings. But it is wrong to say that the change was not perceptive. The look is cleaner, more intuitive and dynamic.

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  8. In addition, of course, you are now in tune with Skype, Skydrive and all Outlook services. Follow the walkthrough below:. Step 5: We will now continue with your email password, please be aware that your password must be at least 8 uppercase and lowercase characters.

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    We continue to fill in our personal details such as our country of residence, date of birth, gender, phone number, alternate email address other than new email account. You now have a standardized view of your email and even have one waiting to be opened. Our settings panel is in the top right corner, right next to the username.

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